
  • What is digital marketing and why is it important for business success?


    Digital marketing is all about promoting your business online. Since the birth of the internet, digital marketing has existed in parallel. Use of the internet has exploded in the last decade; the popularity of online shopping has grown and Google search is the first port of call to find things out.ย  The Coronavirus pandemic has…

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    What is Content Marketing?


    Content Marketing is one of those buzz words we hear quite a lot. But what does it actually mean? Well put simply, it is about creating informative, useful content that will drive people to your site.ย  Content is a great way to attract and engage with your customers. What you say and how you say…

  • How to Get Your Website Noticed


    Youโ€™ve built your website. What next? The next steps you take should be focused on getting people to find you and start using your website and building traffic and business.   How to get your website noticed, both by Google and by potential customers When planning how to get your website noticed, keep the following…

  • Facebook Group Rules: Group Management Tips


    As a Facebook business page owner, you are able to create or join groups within Facebook. Facebook state that creating a group from your business page can allow you to โ€˜connect with customers and supporters in a more private forumโ€™ and have conversations โ€˜around a common interest related to your businessโ€™. You can also join…

  • How to Claim an Unmanaged Facebook Page


    As a business owner you may or may not choose to create a business Facebook page. Whichever you decide, you may find that someone else, totally unconnected to your business, creates a page about your business. This is known as an unmanaged or unofficial Facebook page.   Why do unmanaged Facebook pages exist? Facebook state…

  • How To Change Your Twitter Handle And Keep Your Followers


    Your Twitter handle (also known as your username) is the name that appears after the @ sign. It also appears at the end of your Twitter URL. Getting your Twitter handle right is important because it is what users will use to communicate with you โ€“ whether that be @ mentions or direct messages. It…

  • How to Run a Social Media Campaign


    Deciding to run a social media campaign can be a great way to reach out to your target audience. But there are a lot of areas to consider when it comes to how to run a social media campaign. Particularly a successful social media campaign that meets your goals. Our blog considers the following areas…

  • How to Block Someone From a Facebook Business Page


    If you run a Facebook business page, it is very likely that at some point you will experience negative feedback, comments, posts or reviews. But when does this change from being part of doing business to something more? If people start trolling or spamming your page should you block someone from your Facebook business page?…

  • How Do I Get My Website on Google?


    Google is a significant tool at the disposal of all businesses and marketers when it comes to finding users who are searching for your product or service. Here we look at how you get your website to show on Google, why it may not show on Google and different search engine marketing techniques.   How…

  • How Long Can a Twitter Video Be? And More


    A key part of your Twitter marketing strategy will be to attract followers and build an engaged audience. A good way to achieve this is by sharing relevant, interesting and engaging content that users will want to interact with. There are many different types of content that you can share with your audience on twitter….